A bit of a mouthful in the title today, this is down to today/last nights happenings.
To get the negative out of the way, I had a phonecall last night from my Mum to tell me that one of my Nan's had been admitted into hospital.
Basically this Nan, who shall be from now on known as welsh Nanny has had various medical problems for some time, a lot of them due to her rather active smoking for the majority of her life (however she now hasn't smoked for several years) alongside being a bloody hard worker without the time to properly take care of herself. Along with the smoking related ailments she has asthma, severe arthritis, Osteoporosis.. the list goes on.
Down to her rather badly needing her cataracts taken care of as she is pretty much blind, she had an argument with a door which knocked her backwards one night last week. Both myself and my Mum suspected she had broken some ribs but she refused to see the doctor. (It is most definitely her that I inherited the stubborn as a mule trait)
She was admitted to hospital yesterday as she had managed to get a really nasty chest infection as she couldn't take her various pumps seeing as she couldn't breathe due to the broken ribs.
She loathes hospitals with a passion, even moreso after spending 9 months visiting the hospital every day to see my uncle who eventually died of liver failure last september.
I feel rather sorry for her being landed up in another hospital again but there is no other options for her at the moment.
Onto the nicer news, work was tolerable, no shouting at me which was greatly appreciated although I am now due to work the next fortnight doing night shifts, doubling my hours from 20pw to 40.
I have just also had my second official driving lesson. I am MAJORLY relieved to say it went a damn sight better than last week. Although this week I refused to use the clutch and the breaks and just drove around a car park steering and using the accelerator - perfectly fine by me.
At least I can actually bloody steer around corners now without panicking.
Also had to drive myself home which was rather daunting, but no accidents, no near misses and no damage to myself, instructor or car.
I hope your Nan makes a good speedy recovery, she has had a bad time of it indeed :( and im glad your driving is on the up :D
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