After saying I was going to be better at this and actually blog frequently, everything kind of fell apart.
My current state of mind is definitely not a good one, hasn't been for some time but it has seemed to have sunk lower and lower.
All I can really get the enthusiasm to do once I have escaped from work is just to go home and sleep as it seems to be the best way to be spending my time.
Burying my head in the sand much? Yes. But I can't hate myself while I sleep so its a small bit of relief.
Stress is making me more irritable, and it is now becoming noticeable day to day, so I don't sleep much during the night and don't eat much during the day. I am completely absent minded in work, getting instructions mixed up and missing what people are saying to me. I have a feeling it won't be long before I get a disciplinary seeing as I have been threatened with one by the same member of management at least three times in the last two weeks. Apparently I was paying enough attention to hear that.
That is just a brief sort of glimpse into what is going on, obviously there is a lot more on my mind but I don't think its appropriate for me to go into much more detail here.
But basically I am not a happy bunny.
Attempts to change certain aspects of my life really aren't working, I thought possibly getting out of my current employment and into something else would have helped, but no other company is willing to look my way so it obviously isn't going to happen anytime soon.
I suppose something has got to give, be it me or them.
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