Feeling rather refreshed by my week off spent back in Wales.
Was really strange being in the house without my Dad, as he is currently in Australia (and hopefully stealing me a Koala!) but he is having an amazing time out there.
He is currently spending a month going around visiting pretty much everywhere out there but is sadly spending his 50th out there.
I am sure he is loving the idea of a sunny birthday, but I found it a little disappointing that I couldn't be there to harass him for being old and the like.
I still had a lovely time with the boyfriend & visiting my sister & Brother in law, Grandparents, little Welsh Nanny & the hospital known as my Mum's house (they were all suffering from one bug or another while we were down!)
While I was home, my Grandpa's older brother was taken ill, which meant my time with Grandpa was cut a little shorter than expected, but at least I saw him!
My week off also saw me reunited with two of my most favourite people ever, Hayley who I used to work with back in the day & Cassie who I have known since my drunk rampaging days who also does a beautiful job cutting hair.
While off out in Cardiff with Hayley, we managed to visit the cupcake shop which had some crazy bitch smashing the place up and attacking people over a lack of a certain cupcake a few weeks ago and I managed to buy lime green Dr Martens which were accessorized with purple laces! So ridiculous, but me in a nutshell!
A day after buying my DM's, I discovered my big little sister who is in Comprehensive school had made jewellery to sell for red nose day. One of the pieces she hadn't sold was this bright green & purple chunky bracelet which is a perfect match for my boots!
Needless to say, I had to have it. Will take a photo of both bracelet and boots when I can be bothered!
Work has been the usual, ups and downs for me, staff having issues with me and claiming I am bitchy along with everything else.
Pot calling the kettle black a bit, but I suppose that is the downside of working with all girls I suppose!
After leaving work last friday before going off for the week, I left the shop not wanting to ever step foot in there again, but over the week I realised that if anyone has a problem, then they can deal with it, I really do not care anymore.
If a new position comes up anywhere, then I will probably go for it, but for now I need to just keep my head down and ignore everyone to try and get through it.
Not much else has happened in my little world, if it had then I think my head may have exploded.
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