Well as of today my Nan who has been very long suffering, has had her first operation on her eyes which will greatly improve her quality of life.
That is the first reason my fingers are so tightly crossed they may snap.
Secondly, I am waiting to hear back on a job that I really desperately want.
It is in the same company, but within a different branch which is in walking distance from the house, as a part time Supervisor.
Anyone who knows me in real life will find this rather laughable, I mean me being in charge at times?!?!
Either way I find myself at a point in my life where I desperately want to progress and make something of my life, I cannot stay in a sales advisor role forever.
Some people are quite content with that and good for them, but for me I need something more.
I am waiting for a phone call to let me know when I have to go interview again anyway, which is pretty nerve wracking as I am awful at interviews.
Pretty convinced that being full up with a cold helped me on Friday though, as usually I will put my foot in my mouth more than once during the whole process!
Sunday saw my tiniest sister turn 9, pretty sad that I was stuck over in Bristol feeling sorry for my self and sniffling but I suppose it is better that I didn't give her an extra present on her birthday!
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