After another very testing day in work (I lost again) I got home and cried.
and cried.
and cried.
I realise that it is about time I accepted that I am not normal and I haven't been for some time.
I seem to be constantly worrying and stressing out about everything, want to sleep as much as possible and given half a chance will spend an entire day in bed napping after an entire nights sleep.
I have no tolerance for people, I seem to get snappy & nasty for no reason.
Headaches most likely from stress
Very forgetful, I actually had to write a list of everything so I didn't forget anything, I will leave work and spend all night panicking because I can't remember if I have locked the shop, activated alarms etc.
Nice little negative thoughts, some days I do feel it would be so much easier if I didn't wake up.
Everything seems like a massive battle and I can't deal with it.
I will scratch at my arms to try and make myself calm down because I am so quick to anger, yet hate conflict so will do anything to try and avoid arguments in work.
Along with all that, I feel everyone is against me, I get nice eye twitching randomly and hate being along, very clingy and very easy to tears.
Basically I am a bit screwed, there will be more random stuff than this, but I won't remember it till later on. Fed up of feeling down and like crap all the time.
I don't know if work seems worse because of all this, or if its work that has exacerbated it, but currently thinking the latter. For the last month or so I have been dying to just walk out of there and not go back, its certain people that make me feel a hundred times worse.
I have never been an overly happy person, but it isn't healthy feeling like this.
I just need some help.
Get thee to a doctor and get it all off your chest, ok? There are lots of services out there. If your not reg as a patient here, you can register as a short term or long term temporary patient at Brockway or Tower House and see someone. (The doctors are Brockway are all lovely)
I have emailed you.
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