Friday, 27 May 2011

A little bit of....

positive thinking!

As soon as I started writing, I remembered that I had forgotten to pick up a euromillions ticket for tonight (major fail).

That little bit of negativity aside.....!

Yesterday I had to make a trek up near Stoke on Trent for some work related training, apart from the ridiculously early morning it was a very good experience for me.
Meeting some local managers, learning new things, sharing some concerns, getting some good old fashioned guidance from those who know what they are on about.

I may have mentioned some things that may not have been so wise to mention after all, but I feel it is stuff that needed to get off my chest, I carry too much worry around with me and too much panic.

Currently, my only concerns are that what I may have mentioned yesterday will not have stayed in the group (hopefully not, if not will end up being more than just a concern!) and another issue which is ongoing anyway and nothing can be done about.

For me this is a step in the right direction, will just try rather hard not to take 2 steps backwards!

Hoping that yesterday will end up being a turning point for the better in regards to work and just help in the ongoing battle to keep my spirits high!

Being slightly naughty now and putting off the weekly jaunt to the gym!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Do you ever wish....

that you could delete people in real life?
That is what I am currently wanting to do with one or two people I know.
One of these people I have the misfortune of seeing on an almost daily basis, and there is nothing more I want in life right now than for her to disappear forever.
I was debating the whole deleting of number, deleting of facebook but unfortunately that wouldn't even be enough.

After the tirade of grief via text this morning, I really am sick to death of her.
I may just quit my job and never leave the house again, may be easier.

For someone to make me so permanently miserable is actually quite impressive. However I just deleted her bitchy little message this morning and thought that would be enough to stop my good mood I woke up with from disappearing....

But instead today has to be ruined.


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Clothes clothes and more clothes.

In the last week or so I have managed to spend well over £100 on clothes, more likely closer to the £200 mark but I can't give an accurate number right now.

I seem to have developed a shopping problem!
Until now I have been rather sensible and just squirreled money away into various savings accounts, but all of a sudden I just decided I can't be bothered. If I want something, I am just going to buy it and not worry. I won't be able to do it for long as hopefully sometime soon we will be looking to move into a place of our own, but until then, why not enjoy myself?

Not going to go into everything I have purchased as I would be here all night, but memorable mentions go to:

A beautiful pair of wide leg trousers, black with a cream and coral small flower print, very 70's (I think, not really with all this retro stuff!)
2 new maxi dresses, typically as with the trousers I am unable to find photos online, so if I can ever be bothered I will take photos myself.
& other various goodies I am waiting the arrival of!

Other recent news included me deciding was bored of my extremely boring shade of brown and going red instead (a week and a half on I am still dying everything pink when I wash my hair) and the usual drama at work.

I am in dire need of a holiday and a visit to the gym right now to run my rage off!