Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Do you ever wish....

that you could delete people in real life?
That is what I am currently wanting to do with one or two people I know.
One of these people I have the misfortune of seeing on an almost daily basis, and there is nothing more I want in life right now than for her to disappear forever.
I was debating the whole deleting of number, deleting of facebook but unfortunately that wouldn't even be enough.

After the tirade of grief via text this morning, I really am sick to death of her.
I may just quit my job and never leave the house again, may be easier.

For someone to make me so permanently miserable is actually quite impressive. However I just deleted her bitchy little message this morning and thought that would be enough to stop my good mood I woke up with from disappearing....

But instead today has to be ruined.



daisychain said...

Lets start a campaign for life delete.

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