Friday, 27 August 2010

Wales :D

Well finally after what seemed to be the never ending week, I finally ended up back in Wales where I belong.
Taking the next week off work to come and spend some time with my family and also celebrate my birthday which is next friday.
Hopefully my Nan will be out of hospital by then (again for the billionth time) but only time will tell.
Aiming to go and visit her tomorrow evening, although the timing and location of the hospital means it will most likely be filled with drunk chavs who have been glassing each other up in the pubs but that is one of the highlights of that town!

It is just going to be so good to be home, relax in my OWN bed, which has been proven to be the most comfy ever, spend some quality time with family which doesn't happen when only down for a weekend flying visit and just relax with my Daddy.

Speaking of Dad, I am sure by the end of the week I will be tearing my hair out with his whistling (I do not let the boyfriend do that, I hate it) and his singing at all hours of the day.
At least him harassing me for birthday present ideas will only last a few more days ;)

Really wish I had packed my camera charger now though so I can get some decent photos of the family while I am here. Haven't had any of me with family for a while :(


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