Thursday, 4 November 2010


Well I have finished my first week at my new store, although my training hasn't started yet :/
Problem being that I have come from a massive store where I knew what I needed to do, down to a store a fraction of the size and I feel like a fish out of water.
I don't know what needs doing and when, whats expected of me and what to do when there is no customers in the shop and quite honestly I am finding it frustrating as hell that I need to be told the simplest of things because I don't know how the shop runs, other than its a hell of a lot different to what I am used to.
I hate being made to feel like an idiot because I haven't closed one door at a certain time or what time the floor needs to be vacuumed.

I know I have only done 3 shifts there and I am still due to be trained but I really am wondering if I have in fact done the right thing.
At least in my old store I knew exactly what went on and all the routines, here I just feel simple :(

My first day I enjoyed, even though I didn't really do very much, but it was just the excitement of doing something new. Day 3 and just feeling stupid and like a small child is not enjoyable.

Seriously hoping next week I feel more positive, too late to go back to my old job :/


daisychain said...

Change is always unsettling. Give it a week or so, when you are used to the store and how it operates...I bet you'll feel differently.

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