I was hoping yesterday to have arrived home with a few nice buys, but it turns out the only things I bought in Bristol were a Starbucks and a Burger King.
So I will have to make do with some of my purchases from during the week!
Firstly my maxi dress:
This is the one which New Look has been advertising a lot in bus shelters and in the windows of their stores. Obviously looks a lot better when you have accessorised it with a belt and jewellery and looks a lot better on than in the photo!
It is £15 and it also comes in a few other colours, purple, a khaki colour, coral and some stripey variations.
I also own a really bright colourful one which was from a concession New Look stock called Paprika and was £32. As I can't find a photo online I will have to wait until I have tidied up before taking a photo as you have to see it on to appreciate it. (or at least that's what I think)
The jewellery:
Also from New Look are my shiny things, there is also currently an offer on in stores (not sure about online) which gives you buy one get one free :) and if you are a student you would also get 20% off for the time being. (Lucky!)
It's most likely I will have more new clothes within the next maybe 3 days? I actually am horrendous for buying stuff!
Although I do really need a chunky belt to wear with the maxi...
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